Claims Manager/Loss Adjuster.
Claims Manager/Loss Adjuster.
Charles Reginald Russ- IFC, Cusworth International Business School. BA Degree in Sociology, Minor Public Administration- African Methodist Episcopal Zion University.
A seasoned Insurance Practitioner since 1981, Mr. Charles Reginald Russ started his insurance career with American Life Insurance Company and the National Insurance Corporation Of Liberia; where he obtained training in various insurance disciplines such as Life Assurance, General Business Insurance (Non-Life) etc.
Mr. Russ held several positions during his over 30 years of experience working in the Insurance sector: ranging from Sales Representative, to Marketing Officer, Assistant Marketing Manager, Marketing Manager; and now as claims Manager at the National Insurance Corporation of Liberia (NICOL).
During his career as an insurance practitioner, Mr. Russ also taught Insurance classes within Liberia for over 7 years.
Prior to joining the National Insurance Corporation of Liberia (NICOL), He also worked at the National Iron Ore Company (NIOC) in Grand Cape Mount County; as Tool Clerk in the Maintenance Department and later with the Ministry of Health and social welfare as Stock-Control-Clerk where he was assigned by the Liberian Government in Grand Bassa County from 1975 to 1980.